Monday, April 16, 2007

Response to "spilling blood with oil in Iraq"

I learnt that what the media reports may not be true as they can be manipulated into presenting wrong information for the political purposes. The article is a good example of this.

The article, "Spilling Blood with Oil in Iraq", shows one example of this manipulation as it clearly aims to dissuade the reader from supporting the war on iraq. Examples of this would be "After just 18 days, the US invasion destroyed more of the country that Saddam Hussien ever did in more than 20 years." This sentence alone shows that the author is strongly against the war, as he immediately disclaims one of the main justification of the war on iraq: to liberate the people from Saddam.

However, the article, although one-sided, has its positive points as well. It shows us how the media was used in a political battle to gather support for the Iraq war, such as how "Colin Powell (secretary of state) accused Iraq of planning to use chemical weapons" and that US officials claimed that some US PoWs were executed when no such thing seemed to had happened.

In conclusion, one should keep an open mind and not be too easily influenced by what he reads or sees on television. Having access to many different forms and sources of media allows one to maintain a better understanding of the situations as well.

1 comment:

webspinner said...

you've a good grasp on the subject. nice work, jw ! =]
Grade: B
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